How to find a suitable profile for yourself

Inspire2hire tips and guidance 

A common thing come-up with people if anyone ask for what is your interest or Field you want to choose the answer, we get is Finance and accounts or HRM or Marketing or Banking and operations etc. Here this post will help you find the suitable profile for yourself by your will: -


Ø You need to first search on google with your common area such as finance and accounts jobs or HRM jobs etc by the result you will get links for job portals. 

Ø Next step is to open aa any job portal not necessary but any other as well start opening the jobs and read the Job Descriptions and focus on key skills requirements.

Ø After reading some JDs you will find different jobs but you some skills are matching and some are missing. You need to figure out only the matching skills which can be anything such as accounting knowledge of GAAP, General ledger, Reconciliation, Analysis, Balance sheet Valuation, Capital and money market, Financial Research etc. 

Ø Next step is to note down the points from JD’s basis your skills, Experience, exposure, technical skills, knowledge and so on. 

Ø Once you are ready with 8-10 points collate them in points then read that points to know your strengths and expertise mention that in your profile.

Ø At last, once your profile is ready start searching out the jobs where your maximum points are matching and apply for the jobs. 

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