What to choose after Graduation to get good and high paid Job “MBA” or “Professional courses”?

Inspire2hire tips and guidance 


The biggest question where everyone is confused at is what to choose between “MBA” or “Professional Courses” to get the high paid and top-rated Job. A question which confuses most of the youth in today’s time Inspire2Hire toons and guidance will help you get the best decision, might be the guidance and advice will help you the best. Please read the below: - 


Ø Best options for MBA: - 

If you opt for “MBA” try out for the top colleges or Universities such as IIM, Symbiosis, Delhi University Etc. to get the best reputation behind your name and will help you get the best job and better placement at an initial level. 


Ø Professional courses: - 

Professional courses will give you the best-in-class practical knowledge, Skills and professional trainings from industry experts and best guidance to opt for a suitable career. 


Ø Duration involved: - 

For MBA from any top colleges Involves 3-6 months of classes to crack the entrance test then minimum of 2 years of professional study to be post graduate. Professional courses are for 3 months to 1 Years including your practical trainings. 


Ø Cost involves: - 

For MBA cost for Preparations of entrance tests, admission forms and course cost minimum of 10 Lacs for the course. For professional courses the minimum cost starting 20k to 5Lacs depends of the institutes and professional course you opt. 


Ø Exposure: - 

Not much of exposure in MBA but internships and professional trainings gives you great exposure. In professional courses you can even attend with your jobs as well and also trainings or industry experts provide you the projects to get the best-in-class exposure which will help you get a good experience and job ready. 


Ø Starting Package: - 

The starting package in both options MBA or Professional courses depends upon you institute, Your skills and expertise, interview and company’s requirements. Good colleagues will give you better chances to get best package however professional courses also great package. 

 Conclusion: - 

Confused with above points What to choose after Graduation to get good and high paid Job “MBA” or “Professional courses”? The questions still not answered yet. Here is the best in class advise: 


Ø Inspire2Hire tip is to opt for MBA regular colleagues only if you get the best and top ranked colleagues irrespective of other factors it will give you a brand value for future.  

Ø 2nd option is you can do professional courses along with your regular job which will give you the best chances to change you job because of skills, knowledge and also job experience or you can also get the opportunity in your existing organization at a higher position and scale. 

Ø Best option is you can opt for MBA from Correspondence along with your professional course it will gives you double edge over your career and job search. 


Note: - please read the above and do you proper research b for choosing any option. 

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