Inspire2hire tips and guidance 


Inspire2Hire career booster tips and guidance bring you the next post is on Most frequent asked interview questions during interviews.


Especially For Campus Interviewees &Fresh Job Seekers

Ø These are the most popular questions asked by interviewers apart from the appropriate technical questions about your specific skills and experience. As an exercise it is well worth writing out answers for each question rather than just thinking them through. There is real difference between knowing what you want to say and being able to deliver a satisfactory answer despite the anxiety of the interview.

Ø Obviously, it cannot be guaranteed that you will be asked any of these questions but if you practice, you can go to the interview with the confidence that whatever you are asked you will be able to respond positively.

Ø Questions

Ø Tell me something about yourself?

Ø Why should we hire you?

Ø What has been your major achievements till today?

Ø What do you consider yourself good at doing?

Ø What sort of person you are?

Ø What are your strengths? Give example.

Ø What are your weaknesses? Give example.

Ø What do you know about this organization?

Ø Why do you want this job?

Ø What interests you most in this organization?

Ø What have you done recently that has taken your interest?

Ø What do you do in your spare time?

Ø In what environment do you perform the best? Define “congenial working atmosphere.

Ø What motivates you?

Ø If you could change any facet of your personality in anyway how would you do it?

Ø How have you changed over the last five years?

Ø Describe a time when you felt you were doing well?

Ø Describe a time when you felt that things were not going too good?

Ø How do you work in a team as a team player or a team leader?

Ø Tell me about a time when you successfully managed a difficult situation at work?

Ø Describe how you approach a project or any given task?

Ø If we asked for a reference what would it say about you?

Ø What sort of salary are you expecting?

Ø On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how important is your work to you? Why? Not 10?

Ø What do you like best about this organization?

Ø How can this job influence your career?

Ø What will you do if you don’t get this job?

Ø What other jobs you have applied for recently?

Ø What decisions do you find easy or touch to make?

Ø How does this job fit into your career plan?

Ø How long do you plan to stay with this company?

Ø How do you response under stress? Can you provide a recent example.

Ø What sort of person you are socially?

Ø What are the major problems/opportunities facing this company/industry/sector?

Ø What will be your key target in this job if we appoint you?

Ø What makes you think you can be successful with us?

Ø What questions do you have for us?

Ø Have you been coached in interviewing skills?

Ø why did you switchover from technical stream to management? (if applicable)

Ø What is the difference between a technical job and management job?

Ø What is successful manager like?

Ø What has your college given you?

Ø Describe an incident which brought best in you?

Ø What if you don’t get selected in this particular interview?

Ø Tell me something about your family background?

Ø Most unforgettable moment in your life?

Ø What does your name mean?

Ø Would you sign a bond with this company? If we ask?

Ø Tell us about your projects/Industrial training?

Ø Where did you do your industrial training why didn’t you join them?

Ø Did the training help you in getting some special practical skills?

Ø Your definition of a good job?

Ø Why you have selected this particular career?

Ø What is the current project of our company?

Ø Tell me something about this company?

Ø What is corporate competition?

Ø If any other company offers you more salary. Will you leave our company?

Ø Brand name of a company or working methodology? Why did you not go for govt. job?

Ø What is your short-term and long-term career plan?

Ø What are your strengths? Why do you think those are your strengths?

Ø What are your weaknesses? Why do you think those are your weaknesses?

 Please share your valuable feedback through comments and keep visiting the posts for more data. In my next post, i`ll share the bonus videos and resume formats for your better understanding and examples. Inspire2hire assure you to give best in class advices which will boost your career. Request you to share the posts and invite over the blogs who would be requiring the guidance.

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